2024-06-01 16:52:11 +03:00

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An extension of Playdate's sprite object, incorporating Noble.Animation and other Noble Engine features.

Use this in place of playdate.graphics.sprite in most cases.

NobleSprite is a child class of playdate.graphics.sprite, so see the Playdate SDK documentation for additional methods and properties.


The animation for this NobleSprite.



noblesprite:init([__view[, __viewIsSpritesheet=false[, __singleState=false[, __singleStateLoop=true]]]])
Do not call an "init" method directly. Use NobleSprite() (see usage examples).


  • __view string (optional)
    This can be: the path to an image or spritesheet image file, an image object (Graphics.image) or an animation object (Noble.Animation)
  • __viewIsSpritesheet boolean = false (default)
    Set this to true to indicate that __view is a spritesheet. Will only be considered if __view is a string path to an image.
  • __singleState boolean = false (default)
    If this sprite has just one animation, set this to true. It saves you from having to use Noble.Animation.addState()
  • __singleStateLoop boolean = true (default)
    If using a single state animation, should it loop?



-- Provide a spritesheet image file to create a new Noble.Animation for a NobleSprite's view.
myNobleSprite = NobleSprite("path/to/spritesheet", true)
-- Provide an image file to create a new Graphics.image for a NobleSprite's view.
myNobleSprite = NobleSprite("path/to/image")
-- Use an existing Noble.Animation for a NobleSprite's view.
	local myAnimation = Noble.Animation.new("path/to/spritesheet")
 myAnimation:addState("default", 1, animation.imageTable:getLength(), nil, true)
myNobleSprite = NobleSprite(myAnimation)
-- Use an existing Graphics.image object for a NobleSprite's view.
 local myImage = Graphics.image.new("path/to/image")
myNobleSprite = NobleSprite(myImage)
-- Extending NobleSprite.

-- MyCustomSprite.lua
MyCustomSprite = {}

function MyCustomSprite:init(__x, __y, __anotherFunArgument)
	MyCustomSprite.super.init(self, "path/to/spritesheet", true)
	-- Etc. etc.

-- MyNobleScene.lua
myNobleSprite = MyCustomSprite(100, 100, "Fun!")
This will enable the update loop for this NobleSprite, which also causes its Noble.Animation to play.
This will disable the update loop for this NobleSprite, which also causes its Noble.Animation to pause.
This will disable the update loop for this NobleSprite, and also reset its Noble.Animation (if it exists) to the first frame of its current state.
noblesprite:add(__x, __y)
Use this to add this NobleSprite to your scene. This replaces playdate.graphics.sprite:add() to allow NobleSprites to be tracked by the current NobleScene.

To add a playdate.graphics.sprite to a scene, use NobleScene:addSprite(__sprite).


  • __x
  • __y


Use this to remove this NobleSprite from your scene. This replaces playdate.graphics.sprite:remove() to allow NobleSprites to be tracked by the current NobleScene.

To remove a playdate.graphics.sprite from a scene, use NobleScene:removeSprite(__sprite).


Noble Engine by Mark LaCroix, Noble Robot Documentation created using LDoc 1.5.0.