* Balcony WX station de UT3UMS ** Inspiration + [[https://how2electronics.com/monitor-ccs811-co2-tvoc-on-esp8266-esp32-webserver/][Monitor CCS811 CO2 & TVOC on ESP8266/ESP32 Webserver]] It has only equivalent carbon dioxide (eCO2) with metal oxide (MOX) levels + https://github.com/bfaliszek/CJMCU-8118_InfluxDB ** Installation It requires [[https://platformio.org/][platformio]] and =gnu make=, obviously. #+NAME: build #+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval never make # or `make build` #+END_SRC #+NAME: flash the firmware #+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval never make flash #+END_SRC ** Usefull info for future *** Levels #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE In the event of TVOC issues, inspections should be carried out to find the root cause of the problem and address it as exposure to the VOCs may harm health. Indoor VOC levels up to 350 ppb are acceptable. However they should not exceed 500ppb. – CO2 ppm range of 450 to 2000 ppm (parts per million). #+END_EXAMPLE *** Particulate matter + PM1 :: are extremely fine particulates with a diameter of fewer than 1 microns. + PM2.5 :: (also known as fine particles) have a diameter of less than 2.5 microns. + PM10 :: means the particles have a diameter less than 10 microns, or 100 times smaller than a millimeter. ** TODO In gneral I want the stack to be pluggable as much as possible. The current scope of wanted readings is not including any plans on it's implementations. + [X] Thermometer :: provided by HDC1080 + [X] Humidity sensor :: provided by HDC1080 + [ ] Particulate matter - [ ] PM2.5 :: i'd to start with it - [ ] PM10 - [ ] PM1 :: I might need it to indoor mod + [ ] Preasure sensor + [ ] Seismograph + [ ] Ionising radiation sensor + [ ] UV-sensor + [-] Gas sensors: - [X] CO2 :: eCO2 provided by CCS811 - [X] TVOC :: eTVOC provided by CCS811 - [ ] CO - [ ] H2S - [ ] NH3 - [ ] O2 - [ ] LEL - [ ] smoke and fire