split project a bit

This commit is contained in:
Myk 2024-04-07 03:01:19 +03:00
parent 590d4958c2
commit 54285dd721
5 changed files with 129 additions and 76 deletions

include/CCS811Sensor.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// CCS811Sensor.h
#ifndef CCS811SENSOR_H
#define CCS811SENSOR_H
#define CCS811_WAK 23
#include "ccs811.h" // Include CCS811 library
class CCS811Sensor {
CCS811Sensor(uint8_t wakePin = CCS811_WAK); // Constructor
void init(double* temperature, double* humidity); // temp and hum needed to correct env
void init(); // Initialize without temperature and humidity
void read_values(uint16_t* eco2, uint16_t* etvoc, uint16_t* errstat, uint16_t* raw);
uint8_t _wakePin; // CCS811 wake pin
CCS811 ccs811; // CCS811 object
double* _temperaturePtr; // Pointer to temperature value
double* _humidityPtr; // Pointer to humidity value
#endif // CCS811SENSOR_H

include/HDC1080Sensor.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// HDC1080Sensor.h
#ifndef HDC1080SENSOR_H
#define HDC1080SENSOR_H
#define HDC1080_ADDR 0x40
#include "ClosedCube_HDC1080.h"
class HDC1080Sensor {
HDC1080Sensor(uint8_t address = HDC1080_ADDR); // Constructor
void init(); // Initialize HDC1080 sensor
void read_values(double* temperature, double* humidity, bool* success); // Read temperature and humidity values
uint8_t _address; // HDC1080 I2C address
ClosedCube_HDC1080 hdc1080; // HDC1080 object
#endif // HDC1080SENSOR_H

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@ -1,26 +1,8 @@
Wemos D1 mini or NodeMCU 1.0
VCC - 3.3V
SCL - D1 -- GPIO 5
SDA - D2 -- GPIO 4
WAK - D3 -- GPIO 0
VCC - 3.3V
SCL - 19
SDA - 18
WAK - 23
#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "ClosedCube_HDC1080.h" // HDC1080 library - https://github.com/closedcube/ClosedCube_HDC1080_Arduino // 14.04.2019
#include "ccs811.h" // CCS811 library - https://github.com/maarten-pennings/CCS811 // 13.03.2020
#include "HDC1080Sensor.h"
#include "CCS811Sensor.h"
#include <time.h>
//#include "src/ESPinfluxdb.h" // https://github.com/hwwong/ESP_influxdb // 14.04.2019
#include "http_static.h" // HTTP pages and JSON request templates
@ -29,12 +11,6 @@
// DeepSleep time send data every 60 seconds
const int sleepTimeS = 60;
//Global sensor objects
#define CCS811_WAK 23
CCS811 ccs811(CCS811_WAK);
ClosedCube_HDC1080 hdc1080;
// WiFi Config
#define WiFi_SSID "Ischtar"
#define WiFi_Password "highfive"
@ -43,14 +19,19 @@ ClosedCube_HDC1080 hdc1080;
const char* ntpServer = "pool.ntp.org";
const long gmtOffset_sec = 0;
const int daylightOffset_sec = 3600;
struct tm timeinfo;
// Create AsyncWebServer object on port 80
AsyncWebServer server(80);
// Globals for HDC1080
HDC1080Sensor HDC1080_sensors;
double hdc1080_temp, hdc1080_humidity;
bool hdc1080_err;
// Globals for CCS811
CCS811Sensor CCS811_sensors;
uint16_t eco2, etvoc, errstat, raw;
// Globals for timestamp
struct tm timeinfo;
// loop cycle
#define workCycle 60 //seconds
@ -58,25 +39,23 @@ struct tm timeinfo;
String readHDC1080Temperature() {
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
float t = hdc1080.readTemperature();
if (isnan(t)) {
if (isnan(hdc1080_temp)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from HDC1080 sensor!");
return "--";
else {
return String(t);
return String(hdc1080_temp);
String readHDC1080Humidity() {
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
float h = hdc1080.readHumidity();
if (isnan(h)) {
if (isnan(hdc1080_humidity)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from HDC1080 sensor!");
return "--";
else {
return String(h);
return String(hdc1080_humidity);
@ -88,19 +67,25 @@ String processCCS811Error(err_t errstat) {
Serial.println("CCS811: I2C error");
return "i2c error";
} else {
Serial.print("CCS811: errstat="); Serial.print(errstat, HEX);
Serial.print("="); Serial.println( ccs811.errstat_str(errstat) );
return "<span color='red' title='" + String(ccs811.errstat_str(errstat)) + "'>CCS811 sensor error</span>";
// Serial.print("CCS811: errstat="); Serial.print(errstat, HEX);
// Serial.print("="); Serial.println( ccs811.errstat_str(errstat) );
return "error";
String readCCS811TVOC() {
if( errstat==CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK ){
return String(etvoc);
} else {
return processCCS811Error(errstat);
String readCCS811ECO2() {
if( errstat==CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK ){
return String(eco2);
} else {
return processCCS811Error(errstat);
String formatISO8601() {
@ -171,29 +156,14 @@ void setup()
// Config NTP
configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer);
// hdc1080 info
Serial.print("Manufacturer ID=0x");
Serial.println(hdc1080.readManufacturerId(), HEX); // 0x5449 ID of Texas Instruments
Serial.print("Device ID=0x");
Serial.println(hdc1080.readDeviceId(), HEX); // 0x1050 ID of the device
// i2c
Serial.println("CCS811 test");
// Enable CCS811
bool ok = ccs811.begin();
if ( !ok ) Serial.println("setup: CCS811 begin FAILED");
// humidity and temperature
// eCO2 and eTVOC, temp and humidity needed to adjust values
CCS811_sensors.init(&hdc1080_temp, &hdc1080_humidity);
// Print CCS811 versions
Serial.print("setup: hardware version: "); Serial.println(ccs811.hardware_version(), HEX);
Serial.print("setup: bootloader version: "); Serial.println(ccs811.bootloader_version(), HEX);
Serial.print("setup: application version: "); Serial.println(ccs811.application_version(), HEX);
// Start measuring
ok = ccs811.start(CCS811_MODE_1SEC);
if ( !ok ) Serial.println("init: CCS811 start FAILED");
// Pages and JSONs
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
@ -232,27 +202,17 @@ void loop()
Serial.println("Failed to obtain time");
Serial.print(&timeinfo, "[%M-%d-%Y--%H:%M:%S]: ");
Serial.print("H="); Serial.print(readHDC1080Temperature()); Serial.print(" °C ");
Serial.print("T="); Serial.print(readHDC1080Temperature()); Serial.print(" % ");
// Read CCS811
// Process CCS811
if( errstat==CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK ) {
Serial.print("eco2="); Serial.print(eco2); Serial.print(" ppm ");
Serial.print("etvoc="); Serial.print(etvoc); Serial.print(" ppb ");
} else if( errstat==CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK_NODATA ) {
Serial.print("waiting for (new) data");
} else if( errstat & CCS811_ERRSTAT_I2CFAIL ) {
Serial.print("I2C error");
} else {
Serial.print( "error: " );
Serial.print( ccs811.errstat_str(errstat) );
HDC1080_sensors.read_values(&hdc1080_temp, &hdc1080_humidity, &hdc1080_err);
CCS811_sensors.read_values(&eco2, &etvoc, &errstat, &raw);
Serial.print("H="); Serial.print(readHDC1080Temperature()); Serial.print(" °C ");
Serial.print("T="); Serial.print(readHDC1080Humidity()); Serial.print(" % ");
Serial.print("eco2="); Serial.print(readCCS811ECO2()); Serial.print(" ppm ");
Serial.print("etvoc="); Serial.print(readCCS811TVOC()); Serial.print(" ppb ");
// Wait

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// CCS811Sensor.cpp
#include "CCS811Sensor.h"
CCS811Sensor::CCS811Sensor(uint8_t wakePin) : _wakePin(wakePin), ccs811(wakePin) {
// Constructor sets the wake pin and initializes the ccs811 object
void CCS811Sensor::init(double* temperature, double* humidity) {
// Enable CCS811
bool ok = ccs811.begin();
// let's handle if not OK later
// Lock pointers to temperature and humidity values
ok = ccs811.start(CCS811_MODE_1SEC);
// if( !ok ) Serial.println("setup: CCS811 start FAILED");
_temperaturePtr = temperature;
_humidityPtr = humidity;
void CCS811Sensor::init() {
bool ok = ccs811.begin();
void CCS811Sensor::read_values(uint16_t* eco2, uint16_t* etvoc, uint16_t* errstat, uint16_t* raw) {
if (_temperaturePtr && _humidityPtr) {
// Set environmental data for CCS811 sensor using pointers
ccs811.set_envdata(*_temperaturePtr, *_humidityPtr);
// Read eCO2, eTVOC, error status, and raw data values from CCS811 sensor
ccs811.read(eco2, etvoc, errstat, raw);

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// HDC1080Sensor.cpp
#include "HDC1080Sensor.h"
HDC1080Sensor::HDC1080Sensor(uint8_t address) : _address(address) {
// Constructor sets the address
void HDC1080Sensor::init() {
hdc1080.begin(_address); // Initialize HDC1080 sensor with the specified address
void HDC1080Sensor::read_values(double* temperature, double* humidity, bool* success) {
if (temperature) *temperature = hdc1080.readTemperature();
if (humidity) *humidity = hdc1080.readHumidity();
// Set success flag based on whether readings were successful
if (success) *success = !isnan(*temperature) && !isnan(*humidity);