2024-07-24 23:03:14 +03:00

102 lines
2.5 KiB

( pcb2gcode 2.5.0 )
( Software-independent Gcode )
G94 ( Millimeters per minute feed rate. )
G21 ( Units == Millimeters. )
G90 ( Absolute coordinates. )
G00 S24000 ( RPM spindle speed. )
G64 P0.01016 ( set maximum deviation from commanded toolpath )
G01 F100.00000 ( Feedrate. )
G00 Z5.00000 (Retract to tool change height)
G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to stop)
(MSG, Change tool bit to cutter diameter 3.17500mm)
M3 ( Spindle on clockwise. )
G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to get up to speed)
G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point )
G00 Z5.00000 ( retract )
G00 X-1.58747 Y-47.99998 ( rapid move to begin. )
G01 Z-1.60000 F50.00000 ( plunge. )
G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point )
G01 F100.00000
G01 X-1.58747 Y-25.83749
G00 Z5.00000
G01 X-1.58747 Y-22.16249
G01 Z-1.60000 F50.00000
G01 F100.00000
G01 X-1.58747 Y0.00000
G01 X-1.56334 Y0.27577
G01 X-1.49167 Y0.54315
G01 X-1.37465 Y0.79400
G01 X-1.21580 Y1.02075
G01 X-1.02001 Y1.21643
G01 X-0.79319 Y1.37513
G01 X-0.54224 Y1.49200
G01 X-0.27480 Y1.56352
G01 X0.00094 Y1.58747
G01 X48.50295 Y1.55806
G01 X48.81253 Y1.52740
G01 X49.11016 Y1.43695
G01 X49.38446 Y1.29019
G01 X49.62487 Y1.09276
G01 X49.82215 Y0.85225
G01 X49.96876 Y0.57785
G01 X50.05903 Y0.28016
G01 X50.08951 Y-0.02941
G01 X50.08951 Y-8.42940
G01 X50.06520 Y-8.70600
G01 X49.99309 Y-8.97418
G01 X49.87534 Y-9.22569
G01 X49.71557 Y-9.45281
G01 X49.51867 Y-9.64862
G01 X49.29066 Y-9.80712
G01 X49.03851 Y-9.92348
G01 X48.76996 Y-9.99411
G01 X48.49320 Y-10.01687
G01 X44.78749 Y-9.99630
G01 X44.78749 Y-38.81798
G01 X48.50676 Y-38.83091
G01 X48.81568 Y-38.86236
G01 X49.11258 Y-38.95334
G01 X49.38606 Y-39.10035
G01 X49.62571 Y-39.29781
G01 X49.82235 Y-39.53815
G01 X49.96843 Y-39.81216
G01 X50.05837 Y-40.10937
G01 X50.08875 Y-40.41841
G01 X50.08875 Y-42.38092
G00 Z5.00000
G01 X50.08875 Y-46.05592
G01 Z-1.60000 F50.00000
G01 F100.00000
G01 X50.08875 Y-48.01842
G01 X50.06462 Y-48.29414
G01 X49.99294 Y-48.56150
G01 X49.87595 Y-48.81232
G01 X49.71715 Y-49.03904
G01 X49.52141 Y-49.23472
G01 X49.29464 Y-49.39342
G01 X49.04374 Y-49.51034
G01 X48.77638 Y-49.58189
G01 X48.50064 Y-49.60590
G01 X-0.00058 Y-49.58745
G01 X-0.31021 Y-49.55687
G01 X-0.60792 Y-49.46645
G01 X-0.88227 Y-49.31971
G01 X-1.12273 Y-49.12228
G01 X-1.32006 Y-48.88174
G01 X-1.46670 Y-48.60734
G01 X-1.55699 Y-48.30961
G01 X-1.58747 Y-47.99998
G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point )
G00 Z5.000000 ( retract )
G04 P1.000000
M9 ( Coolant off. )