(Block-name: Header) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) ( pcb2gcode 2.5.0 ) ( Software-independent Gcode ) G94 ( Millimeters per minute feed rate. ) G21 ( Units == Millimeters. ) G90 ( Absolute coordinates. ) (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G00 S24000 ( RPM spindle speed. ) G01 F100.00000 ( Feedrate. ) G00 Z5.00000 (Retract to tool change height) T1 G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to stop) (MSG, Change tool bit to cutter diameter 0.70000mm) M3 ( Spindle on clockwise. ) G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to get up to speed) G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G00 Z5.00000 ( retract ) G0 X1 Y-0.65 G01 Z-1.60000 F50.00000 ( plunge. ) G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G01 F100.00000 G1 X41 Y-0.65 G1 X41.0683 Y-0.6567 G1 X41.1339 Y-0.6766 G1 X41.1944 Y-0.709 G1 X41.2475 Y-0.7525 G1 X41.291 Y-0.8055 G1 X41.3233 Y-0.866 G1 X41.3432 Y-0.9317 G1 X41.35 Y-1 G1 X41.35 Y-51 G1 X41.3432 Y-51.0683 G1 X41.3233 Y-51.1339 G1 X41.291 Y-51.1944 G1 X41.2475 Y-51.2475 G1 X41.1944 Y-51.291 G1 X41.1339 Y-51.3233 G1 X41.0683 Y-51.3433 G1 X41 Y-51.35 G1 X1 Y-51.35 G1 X0.9317 Y-51.3433 G1 X0.866 Y-51.3233 G1 X0.8055 Y-51.291 G1 X0.7525 Y-51.2475 G1 X0.709 Y-51.1944 G1 X0.6766 Y-51.1339 G1 X0.6567 Y-51.0683 G1 X0.65 Y-51 G1 X0.65 Y-1 G1 X0.6567 Y-0.9317 G1 X0.6766 Y-0.866 G1 X0.709 Y-0.8055 G1 X0.7525 Y-0.7525 G1 X0.8055 Y-0.709 G1 X0.866 Y-0.6766 G1 X0.9317 Y-0.6567 G1 X1 Y-0.65 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G00 Z5.000000 ( retract ) (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G04 P1.000000 M9 ( Coolant off. ) (Block-name: Header) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) ( pcb2gcode 2.5.0 ) ( Software-independent Gcode ) G94 ( Millimeters per minute feed rate. ) G21 ( Units == Millimeters. ) G90 ( Absolute coordinates. ) (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G00 S24000 ( RPM spindle speed. ) G01 F100.00000 ( Feedrate. ) G0 Z5 T1 G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to stop) (MSG, Change tool bit to cutter diameter 0.70000mm) M3 ( Spindle on clockwise. ) G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to get up to speed) G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 G0 X-41 Y-0.65 G1 Z-1.6 F50.00000 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G01 F100.00000 G1 X-1 Y-0.65 G1 X-0.9317 Y-0.6567 G1 X-0.8661 Y-0.6766 G1 X-0.8056 Y-0.709 G1 X-0.7525 Y-0.7525 G1 X-0.709 Y-0.8055 G1 X-0.6767 Y-0.866 G1 X-0.6568 Y-0.9317 G1 X-0.65 Y-1 G1 X-0.65 Y-51 G1 X-0.6568 Y-51.0683 G1 X-0.6767 Y-51.1339 G1 X-0.709 Y-51.1944 G1 X-0.7525 Y-51.2475 G1 X-0.8056 Y-51.291 G1 X-0.8661 Y-51.3233 G1 X-0.9317 Y-51.3433 G1 X-1 Y-51.35 G1 X-41 Y-51.35 G1 X-41.0683 Y-51.3433 G1 X-41.134 Y-51.3233 G1 X-41.1945 Y-51.291 G1 X-41.2475 Y-51.2475 G1 X-41.291 Y-51.1944 G1 X-41.3234 Y-51.1339 G1 X-41.3433 Y-51.0683 G1 X-41.35 Y-51 G1 X-41.35 Y-1 G1 X-41.3433 Y-0.9317 G1 X-41.3234 Y-0.866 G1 X-41.291 Y-0.8055 G1 X-41.2475 Y-0.7525 G1 X-41.1945 Y-0.709 G1 X-41.134 Y-0.6766 G1 X-41.0683 Y-0.6567 G1 X-41 Y-0.65 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G04 P1.000000 M9 ( Coolant off. ) (Block-name: Header) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) ( pcb2gcode 2.5.0 ) ( Software-independent Gcode ) G94 ( Millimeters per minute feed rate. ) G21 ( Units == Millimeters. ) G90 ( Absolute coordinates. ) (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G00 S24000 ( RPM spindle speed. ) G01 F100.00000 ( Feedrate. ) G0 Z5 T1 G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to stop) (MSG, Change tool bit to cutter diameter 0.70000mm) M3 ( Spindle on clockwise. ) G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to get up to speed) G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 G0 X1 Y51.35 G1 Z-1.6 F50.00000 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G01 F100.00000 G1 X41 Y51.35 G1 X41.0683 Y51.3433 G1 X41.1339 Y51.3234 G1 X41.1944 Y51.291 G1 X41.2475 Y51.2475 G1 X41.291 Y51.1945 G1 X41.3233 Y51.134 G1 X41.3432 Y51.0683 G1 X41.35 Y51 G1 X41.35 Y1 G1 X41.3432 Y0.9317 G1 X41.3233 Y0.8661 G1 X41.291 Y0.8056 G1 X41.2475 Y0.7525 G1 X41.1944 Y0.709 G1 X41.1339 Y0.6767 G1 X41.0683 Y0.6567 G1 X41 Y0.65 G1 X1 Y0.65 G1 X0.9317 Y0.6567 G1 X0.866 Y0.6767 G1 X0.8055 Y0.709 G1 X0.7525 Y0.7525 G1 X0.709 Y0.8056 G1 X0.6766 Y0.8661 G1 X0.6567 Y0.9317 G1 X0.65 Y1 G1 X0.65 Y51 G1 X0.6567 Y51.0683 G1 X0.6766 Y51.134 G1 X0.709 Y51.1945 G1 X0.7525 Y51.2475 G1 X0.8055 Y51.291 G1 X0.866 Y51.3234 G1 X0.9317 Y51.3433 G1 X1 Y51.35 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G04 P1.000000 M9 ( Coolant off. ) (Block-name: Header) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) ( pcb2gcode 2.5.0 ) ( Software-independent Gcode ) G94 ( Millimeters per minute feed rate. ) G21 ( Units == Millimeters. ) G90 ( Absolute coordinates. ) (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G00 S24000 ( RPM spindle speed. ) G01 F100.00000 ( Feedrate. ) G0 Z5 T1 G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to stop) (MSG, Change tool bit to cutter diameter 0.70000mm) M3 ( Spindle on clockwise. ) G04 P1.00000 (Wait for spindle to get up to speed) G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 G0 X-41 Y51.35 G1 Z-1.6 F50.00000 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G01 F100.00000 G1 X-1 Y51.35 G1 X-0.9317 Y51.3433 G1 X-0.8661 Y51.3234 G1 X-0.8056 Y51.291 G1 X-0.7525 Y51.2475 G1 X-0.709 Y51.1945 G1 X-0.6767 Y51.134 G1 X-0.6568 Y51.0683 G1 X-0.65 Y51 G1 X-0.65 Y1 G1 X-0.6568 Y0.9317 G1 X-0.6767 Y0.8661 G1 X-0.709 Y0.8056 G1 X-0.7525 Y0.7525 G1 X-0.8056 Y0.709 G1 X-0.8661 Y0.6767 G1 X-0.9317 Y0.6567 G1 X-1 Y0.65 G1 X-41 Y0.65 G1 X-41.0683 Y0.6567 G1 X-41.134 Y0.6767 G1 X-41.1945 Y0.709 G1 X-41.2475 Y0.7525 G1 X-41.291 Y0.8056 G1 X-41.3234 Y0.8661 G1 X-41.3433 Y0.9317 G1 X-41.35 Y1 G1 X-41.35 Y51 G1 X-41.3433 Y51.0683 G1 X-41.3234 Y51.134 G1 X-41.291 Y51.1945 G1 X-41.2475 Y51.2475 G1 X-41.1945 Y51.291 G1 X-41.134 Y51.3234 G1 X-41.0683 Y51.3433 G1 X-41 Y51.35 G04 P0 ( dwell for no time -- G64 should not smooth over this point ) G0 Z5 (Block-name: block) (Block-expand: 0) (Block-enable: 1) G04 P1.000000 M9 ( Coolant off. )