import argparse import asyncio import json import pathlib from aiohttp import web from radiacode import CountRate, DoseRate, RadiaCode print('LOL') file = open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / 'webserver.html', 'r') contecnt = async def handle_index(request): return web.Response(content_type='text/html', text=contecnt) async def handle_ws(request): ws = web.WebSocketResponse() await ws.prepare(request) async for _ in ws: # noqa: WPS328 pass return ws async def handle_spectrum(request): cn = accum = request.query.get('accum') == 'true' spectrum = cn.spectrum_accum() if accum else cn.spectrum() # apexcharts can't handle 0 in logarithmic view spectrum_data = [ (channel, cnt if cnt > 0 else 0.5) for channel, cnt in enumerate(spectrum.counts) ] print('Spectrum updated') return web.json_response( { 'coef': [spectrum.a0, spectrum.a1, spectrum.a2], 'duration': spectrum.duration.total_seconds(), 'series': [{'name': 'spectrum', 'data': spectrum_data}], }, ) async def process(app): max_history_size = 128 countrate_history, doserate_history = [], [] while True: # noqa: WPS457 databuf = app.rc_conn.data_buf() for v in databuf: if isinstance(v, CountRate): countrate_history.append(v) elif isinstance(v, DoseRate): doserate_history.append(v) countrate_history.sort(key=lambda x: x.dt) countrate_history = countrate_history[-max_history_size:] doserate_history.sort(key=lambda x: x.dt) doserate_history = doserate_history[-max_history_size:] jdata = json.dumps( { 'series': [ { 'name': 'Події', 'data': [(int(1000 * x.dt.timestamp()), x.count_rate) for x in countrate_history], }, { 'name': 'Доза', 'data': [(int(1000 * x.dt.timestamp()), 10000 * x.dose_rate) for x in doserate_history], }, ], }, ) print(f'Rates updated, sending to {len(app.ws_clients)} connected clients') await asyncio.gather(*[ws.send_str(jdata) for ws in app.ws_clients], asyncio.sleep(1.0)) async def on_startup(app): asyncio.create_task(process(app)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--bluetooth-mac', type=str, required=False, help='bluetooth MAC address of radiascan device') parser.add_argument('--listen-host', type=str, required=False, default='', help='listen host for webserver') parser.add_argument('--listen-port', type=int, required=False, default=8080, help='listen port for webserver') args = parser.parse_args() app = web.Application() app.ws_clients = [] if args.bluetooth_mac: print('will use Bluetooth connection') app.rc_conn = RadiaCode(bluetooth_mac=args.bluetooth_mac) else: print('will use USB connection') app.rc_conn = RadiaCode() app.on_startup.append(on_startup) app.add_routes( [ web.get('/', handle_index), web.get('/spectrum', handle_spectrum), web.get('/ws', handle_ws), ], ) web.run_app(app, host=args.listen_host, port=args.listen_port)