#include #include "keyboard.h" #include "shell.h" #include "tty.h" #include "string.h" void shell_init(void) { char input_buffer[SHELL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; size_t i; char c; while (true) { terminal_printc("\n"); terminal_printc("&7dead@&croot&7: /> "); i = 0; c = 0; while (i < SHELL_BUFFER_SIZE) { c = keyboard_getchar(); if (c == '\b') { if (i > 0) { terminal_printc("\b \b"); --i; } } else { terminal_putchar(c); input_buffer[i] = c; ++i; if (c == '\n') break; } } input_buffer[i] = '\0'; keyboard_clear_buffer(); shell_parse_input(input_buffer); } } void shell_help_command(void) { terminal_printc("List of commands:\n"); terminal_printc("help - Print out the list of commands.\n"); terminal_printc("exit - Exit the shell.\n"); terminal_printc("echo - Print out the message. &eWITH colors!&7\n"); terminal_printc("clear - Clear the terminal.\n"); } void shell_exit_command(void) { terminal_printc("Exiting shell...\n"); terminal_printc("Goodbye!\n"); while (1) ; } void shell_echo_command(char *input) { char *message = input; while (*message == ' ') { message++; } terminal_printc(message); terminal_printc("\n"); } void shell_parse_input(char *input) { char *command = strtok(input, " \n"); char *first_param = strtok(NULL, " \n"); if (command == NULL || *command == '\0') { return; } if (strcmp(command, "help") == 0) { shell_help_command(); } else if (strcmp(command, "echo") == 0) { shell_echo_command(first_param); } else if (strcmp(command, "exit") == 0) { shell_exit_command(); } else if (strcmp(command, "clear") == 0) { terminal_clear(); } else { terminal_printc("Unknown command: '"); terminal_writestring(command); terminal_printc("'\n"); terminal_printc("Type 'help' to print out the list of commands.\n"); } }