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2023-08-14 17:20:58 +03:00
echo "java home: $JAVA_HOME"
echo "project version: $PROJECT_VERSION"
echo "app version: $APP_VERSION"
echo "main JAR file: $MAIN_JAR"
# ------ SETUP DIRECTORIES AND FILES ----------------------------------------
# Remove previously generated java runtime and installers. Copy all required
# jar files into the input/libs folder.
rm -rfd ./build/java-runtime/
rm -rfd build/installer/
mkdir -p build/installer/input/libs/
cp target/lib*/*.jar build/installer/input/libs/
cp target/${MAIN_JAR} build/installer/input/libs/
# ------ REQUIRED MODULES ---------------------------------------------------
# Use jlink to detect all modules that are required to run the application.
# Starting point for the jdep analysis is the set of jars being used by the
# application.
echo "detecting required modules"
detected_modules=`$JAVA_HOME/bin/jdeps \
--multi-release ${JAVA_VERSION} \
--ignore-missing-deps \
--print-module-deps \
--class-path "build/installer/input/libs/*" \
echo "detected modules: ${detected_modules}"
# /home/assada/IdeaProjects/icf300/target/classes/guru/dead/icf320/MainApplication.class
# ------ MANUAL MODULES -----------------------------------------------------
# jdk.crypto.ec has to be added manually bound via --bind-services or
# otherwise HTTPS does not work.
# See: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221674
# In addition we need jdk.localedata if the application is localized.
# This can be reduced to the actually needed locales via a jlink paramter,
# e.g., --include-locales=en,de.
echo "manual modules: ${manual_modules}"
# ------ RUNTIME IMAGE ------------------------------------------------------
# Use the jlink tool to create a runtime image for our application. We are
# doing this is a separate step instead of letting jlink do the work as part
# of the jpackage tool. This approach allows for finer configuration and also
# works with dependencies that are not fully modularized, yet.
echo "creating java runtime image"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jlink \
--no-header-files \
--no-man-pages \
--compress=2 \
--strip-debug \
--add-modules "${detected_modules},${manual_modules}" \
--include-locales=en,de \
--output build/java-runtime
# ------ PACKAGING ----------------------------------------------------------
# A loop iterates over the various packaging types supported by jpackage. In
# the end we will find all packages inside the build/installer directory.
for type in "deb" "rpm"
echo "Creating installer of type ... $type"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jpackage \
--type $type \
--dest build/installer \
--input build/installer/input/libs \
--name icf300 \
--main-class guru.dead.icf320.Launcher \
--main-jar ${MAIN_JAR} \
--java-options -Xmx2048m \
--java-options '--enable-preview' \
--java-options '-Djdk.gtk.version=2' \
--runtime-image build/java-runtime \
--linux-shortcut \
--linux-menu-group "icf300" \
--app-version ${APP_VERSION} \
--icon src/main/resources/guru/dead/icf320/icon.png \
--vendor "Dead Guru" \
--copyright "Copyright © 2023 Dead Guru" \
--description "Your friendly JDK distribution updater" \
# ------ CHECKSUM FILE --------------------------------------------------------
arch_name="$(uname -m)"
if [ "${arch_name}" = "aarch64" ]; then
sha256sum "build/installer/icf300_$APP_VERSION_arm64.deb" > "build/installer/icf300_$APP_VERSION_arm64.deb.sha256"
sha256sum "build/installer/icf300-$APP_VERSION.aarch64.rpm" > "build/installer/icf300-$APP_VERSION.aarch64.rpm.sha256"
sha256sum "build/installer/icf300_${APP_VERSION}_amd64.deb" > "build/installer/icf300_${APP_VERSION}_amd64.deb.sha256"
sha256sum "build/installer/icf300-${APP_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm" > "build/installer/icf300-${APP_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm.sha256"