2024-06-01 16:52:11 +03:00

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--- Extensions to `playdate.easingFunctions`, aliased as `Ease` in Noble Engine.
-- See the Playdate SDK for a list of easing functions.
-- @module Ease
local componentFunctions = {
[Ease.inOutQuad] = { enter = Ease.inQuad, exit = Ease.outQuad },
[Ease.inOutCubic] = { enter = Ease.inCubic, exit = Ease.outCubic },
[Ease.inOutQuart] = { enter = Ease.inQuart, exit = Ease.outQuart },
[Ease.inOutQuint] = { enter = Ease.inQuint, exit = Ease.outQuint },
[Ease.inOutSine] = { enter = Ease.inSine, exit = Ease.outSine },
[Ease.inOutExpo] = { enter = Ease.inExpo, exit = Ease.outExpo },
[Ease.inOutCirc] = { enter = Ease.inCirc, exit = Ease.outCirc },
[Ease.inOutElastic] = { enter = Ease.inElastic, exit = Ease.outElastic },
[Ease.inOutBack] = { enter = Ease.inBack, exit = Ease.outBack },
[Ease.inOutBounce] = { enter = Ease.inBounce, exit = Ease.outBounce },
[Ease.outInQuad] = { enter = Ease.outQuad, exit = Ease.inQuad },
[Ease.outInCubic] = { enter = Ease.outCubic, exit = Ease.inCubic },
[Ease.outInQuart] = { enter = Ease.outQuart, exit = Ease.inQuart },
[Ease.outInQuint] = { enter = Ease.outQuint, exit = Ease.inQuint },
[Ease.outInSine] = { enter = Ease.outSine, exit = Ease.inSine },
[Ease.outInExpo] = { enter = Ease.outExpo, exit = Ease.inExpo },
[Ease.outInCirc] = { enter = Ease.outCirc, exit = Ease.inCirc },
[Ease.outInElastic] = { enter = Ease.outElastic, exit = Ease.inElastic },
[Ease.outInBack] = { enter = Ease.outBack, exit = Ease.inBack },
[Ease.outInBounce] = { enter = Ease.outBounce, exit = Ease.inBounce },
[Ease.linear] = { enter = Ease.linear, exit = Ease.linear }
local reverseFunctions = {
[Ease.inQuad] = Ease.outQuad,
[Ease.inCubic] = Ease.outCubic,
[Ease.inQuart] = Ease.outQuart,
[Ease.inQuint] = Ease.outQuint,
[Ease.inSine] = Ease.outSine,
[Ease.inExpo] = Ease.outExpo,
[Ease.inCirc] = Ease.outCirc,
[Ease.inElastic] = Ease.outElastic,
[Ease.inBack] = Ease.outBack,
[Ease.inBounce] = Ease.outBounce,
[Ease.outQuad] = Ease.inQuad,
[Ease.outCubic] = Ease.inCubic,
[Ease.outQuart] = Ease.inQuart,
[Ease.outQuint] = Ease.inQuint,
[Ease.outSine] = Ease.inSine,
[Ease.outExpo] = Ease.inExpo,
[Ease.outCirc] = Ease.inCirc,
[Ease.outElastic] = Ease.inElastic,
[Ease.outBack] = Ease.inBack,
[Ease.outBounce] = Ease.inBounce,
[Ease.linear] = Ease.linear
--- Returns the first half of an "inOut" or "outIn" easing function.
-- Returns `nil` for any easing function that isn't in the form of `Ease.inOutXxxx` or `Ease.outInXxxx`. `Ease.linear` returns itself.
-- @usage
-- local ease = Ease.outInQuad
-- local easeEnter = Ease.enter(ease) -- Returns "Ease.outQuad"
function Ease.enter(__easingFunction)
if (componentFunctions[__easingFunction] == nil) then return nil end
return componentFunctions[__easingFunction].enter
--- Returns the second half of an "inOut" or "outIn" easing function.
-- Returns `nil` for any easing function that isn't in the form of `Ease.inOutXxxx` or `Ease.outInXxxx`. `Ease.linear` returns itself.
-- @usage
-- local ease = Ease.outInQuad
-- local easeExit = Ease.exit(ease) -- Returns "Ease.inQuad"
function Ease.exit(__easingFunction)
if (componentFunctions[__easingFunction] == nil) then return nil end
return componentFunctions[__easingFunction].exit
--- Returns the reverse function of the provided function.
-- Returns `nil` for any easing function that isn't in the form of `Ease.inXxxx` or `Ease.outXxxx`. `Ease.linear` returns itself.
-- @usage
-- local ease = Ease.inQuad
-- local reverseEase = Ease.reverse(ease) -- Returns "Ease.outQuad"
function Ease.reverse(__easingFunction)
if (reverseFunctions[__easingFunction] == nil) then return nil end
return reverseFunctions[__easingFunction]