Game = {} class("Game").extends(BaseScene) local scene = Game local font ='assets/fonts/Mini Sans 2X') local function screenShake(shakeTime, shakeMagnitude) local shakeTimer =, shakeMagnitude, 0) shakeTimer.updateCallback = function(timer) local magnitude = math.floor(timer.value) local shakeX = math.random(-magnitude, magnitude) local shakeY = math.random(-magnitude, magnitude) playdate.display.setOffset(shakeX, shakeY) end shakeTimer.timerEndedCallback = function() playdate.display.setOffset(0, 0) end end function scene:drawBackground() local speed = 0.1 if Ground.player ~= nil and Ground.player.isMovingRight() == true then speed = 0.2 end if scene.distance > 0 then scene.bgX = scene.bgX - speed end if scene.bgX <= -400 then scene.bgX = 0 end or 0, 0) end function scene:setValues() ="assets/sprites/bgTest") scene.bgX = 0 scene.telemLostSound ="assets/audio/telemko") scene.telemLostSoundPlayed = false scene.resultShowed = false scene.musicEnabled = Noble.Settings.get("music") scene.balebas = {} scene.balebaSpawner = scene.balebaSpawner.repeats = true scene.levelAudio ="assets/audio/war") scene.levelAudio:setVolume(0.7) scene.helloAudio ="assets/audio/hello") scene.tank = nil scene.distance = 900 end function scene:init() scene.super.init(self) scene:setValues() end function scene:start() scene.super.start(self) playdate.ui.crankIndicator:draw() -- not sure why this is not working self.optionsMenu:addMenuItem("Main Menu", function() Noble.transition(Menu) end) Noble.showFPS = true end function scene:spawnBaleba() local balebaCount = #scene.balebas if balebaCount >= 6 then scene.balebaSpawner:remove() return end --scene.balebas[balebaCount + 1] = Baleba(math.random(410, 900), math.random(10, 210), scene.player, true) end function scene:enter() scene.super.enter(self) scene.player = Player(150, 100) scene.ground = Ground(0, 225, scene.player) scene.balebaSpawner.timerEndedCallback = function() scene:spawnBaleba() end for i = 1, 3 do scene:spawnBaleba() end --scene.helloAudio:play(1) if scene.musicEnabled then --scene.levelAudio:play(0) end end function round(number) local formatted = string.format("%.2f", number) return formatted end function scene:update() scene.super.update(self) if scene.player == nil then return end if scene.distance > 0 then scene.distance = scene.distance - 1 end if scene.distance < 850 and scene.tank == nil then scene.tank = Tank(500, 190, scene.player, scene.ground) scene:addSprite(scene.tank) -- Raw sprite end if scene.player.isDead() then if scene.resultShowed ~= true then Noble.Text.draw("Telemetry Lost", 200, 110, Noble.Text.ALIGN_CENTER, false, font) end else local t = scene.player.getBat() / 10000 local lerpBat = playdate.math.lerp(12.0, 16.8, t) Noble.Text.draw(round(lerpBat) .. "v", 10, 210, Noble.Text.ALIGN_LEFT, false, font) Noble.Text.draw(scene.distance .. "m", 200, 40, Noble.Text.ALIGN_CENTER, false, font) end if scene.player.isDead() and not scene.telemLostSoundPlayed then scene.telemLostSound:play(1) scene.telemLostSoundPlayed = true screenShake(1000, 5) playdate.timer.performAfterDelay(4000, function() scene.resultShowed = true local message = "You failed!" if scene.player.targetDone then message = "You did it!" end c = notify(message, function() Noble.transition(Menu) c:remove() end) c:moveTo(200, 120) c:add() end) return end end function scene:exit() scene.super.exit(self) scene.tank:remove() scene.telemLostSound:stop() scene.levelAudio:stop() scene.balebaSpawner:remove() Noble.showFPS = false end function scene:finish() scene.super.finish(self) playdate.display.setScale(1) end