--- -- @submodule Noble.Transition class("Dip", nil, Noble.Transition).extends(Noble.Transition) local transition = Noble.Transition.Dip transition.name = "Dip" -- Type transition._type = Noble.Transition.Type.COVER --- Fade to an image, then to the next scene. -- @table Noble.Transition.Dip.defaultProperties -- @number[opt=0.25] holdTime -- @tparam Graphics.image panelImage -- @tparam[opt=Graphics.image.kDitherTypeBayer4x4] Graphics.image.kDither dither -- @tparam[opt=Ease.outInQuad] Ease ease -- @number[opt=0] x -- @number[opt=0] y transition.defaultProperties = { holdTime = 0.25, ease = Ease.outInQuad, dither = Graphics.image.kDitherTypeBayer4x4, panelImage = nil, x = 0, y = 0 } function transition:setProperties(__arguments) self.dither = __arguments.dither or self.defaultProperties.dither self.panelImage = __arguments.panelImage or self.defaultProperties.panelImage self.x = __arguments.x or self.defaultProperties.x self.y = __arguments.y or self.defaultProperties.y end function transition:draw() self.panelImage:drawFaded(self.x, self.y, self.sequence:get(), self.dither) end