local pd = playdate local gfx = Graphics BaseScene = {} class("BaseScene").extends(NobleScene) function BaseScene:init() BaseScene.super.init(self) pd.resetElapsedTime() -- Reset time so each scene starts at 0 self.optionsMenu = pd.getSystemMenu() -- Store this so we have access to it in all scenes end function BaseScene:update() BaseScene.super.update(self) Particles:update() end function BaseScene:exit() BaseScene.super.exit(self) self.optionsMenu:removeAllMenuItems() -- Remove all custom menu items and reset menu image pd.setMenuImage(nil) end function BaseScene:drawBackground() BaseScene.super.drawBackground(self) if self.background ~= nil then -- Helper so you can set a scene's background to an image self.background:draw(0, 0) end end