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2024-06-01 16:52:11 +03:00
-- An abstract scene class.
-- Do not copy this file as a template for your scenes. Instead, your scenes will extend this class.
-- See <a href="../examples/SceneTemplate.lua.html">templates/SceneTemplate.lua</a> for a blank scene that you can copy and modify for your own scenes.
-- If you are using <a href="http://github.com/NobleRobot/NobleEngine-ProjectTemplate">NobleEngine-ProjectTemplate</a>,
-- see `scenes/ExampleScene.lua` for an implementation example.
-- @usage
-- YourSceneName = {}
-- class("YourSceneName").extends(NobleScene)
-- local scene = YourSceneName
-- @classmod NobleScene
NobleScene = {}
--- Properties
-- @section properties
--- The name of this scene. Optional.
-- If you do not set this value, it will take on the scene's `className`.
NobleScene.name = ""
--- This is the background color of this scene.
NobleScene.backgroundColor = Graphics.kColorWhite
--- Tables
-- @section tables
--- All scenes have a default inputHandler which is made active when the scene starts.
-- If you do not define your scene's `inputHandler`, it is `nil` and input is disabled when this scene
-- starts.
-- @see Noble.Input.setHandler
-- @usage
-- YourSceneName.inputHandler = {
-- AButtonDown = function()
-- // Your code here
-- end,
-- AButtonHold = function()
-- // Your code here
-- end,
-- -- ...
-- -- ...
-- }
-- -- OR...
-- -- Use a non-scene-specific inputHandler, defined elsewhere.
-- YourSceneName.inputHandler = somePreviouslyDefinedInputHandler
-- -- OR...
-- -- Reuse another scene's inputHandler.
-- YourSceneName.inputHandler = SomeOtherSceneName.inputHandler
NobleScene.inputHandler = {}
--- When you add a sprite to your scene, it is put in this table so the scene can keep track of it.
-- This is intended as `read-only`. You should not modify this table directly.
-- @see addSprite
NobleScene.sprites = {}
--- Methods
-- @section Methods
--- Use this to add sprites to your scene instead of `playdate.graphics.sprite:add()`.
-- If your sprite is a `NobleSprite`, using `NobleSprite:add()` will also call this method.
-- Sprites added with this method that are tracked by the scene. Any not manually removed before transitioning to another scene are automatically removed in @{finish|finish}.
-- @tparam playdate.graphics.sprite __sprite The sprite to add to the scene.
-- @see NobleSprite:add
-- @see removeSprite
function NobleScene:addSprite(__sprite)
if (__sprite.isNobleSprite == true) then
if (table.indexOfElement(self.sprites, __sprite) == nil) then
table.insert(self.sprites, __sprite)
--- Use this to remove sprites from your scene instead of `playdate.graphics.sprite:remove()`.
-- If your sprite is a `NobleSprite`, using `NobleSprite:remove()` will also call this method.
-- Sprites not manually removed before transitioning to another scene are automatically removed in @{finish|finish}.
-- @tparam playdate.graphics.sprite __sprite The sprite to add to the scene.
-- @see NobleSprite:remove
-- @see addSprite
function NobleScene:removeSprite(__sprite)
if (__sprite.isNobleSprite == true) then
if (table.indexOfElement(self.sprites, __sprite) ~= nil) then
table.remove(self.sprites, table.indexOfElement(self.sprites, __sprite))
--- Callbacks
-- @section callbacks
--- Implement this in your scene if you have code to run when your scene's object is created.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:init()
-- YourSceneName.super.init(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:init()
self.name = self.className
self.sprites = {}
--- Implement if you want to run code as the transition to this scene begins, such as UI animation, triggers, etc.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:enter()
-- YourSceneName.super.enter(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:enter() end
--- Implement if you have code to run once the transition to this scene is complete. This method signifies the full activation of a scene. If this scene's `inputHandler` is defined, it is enabled now.
-- @see inputHandler
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:start()
-- YourSceneName.super.start(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:start()
--- Implement to run scene-specific code on every frame while this scene is active.
-- <strong>NOTE:</strong> you may use coroutine.yield() here, because it only runs inside of playdate.update(), which is a coroutine.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:update()
-- YourSceneName.super.update(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:update() end
--- Implement this function to draw background visual elements in your scene.
--- This runs when the engine need to redraw a background area.
--- By default it runs every frame and fills the background with self.backgroundColor. All arguments are optional.
--- Use `Graphics.sprite.setAlwaysRedraw(false)` after `Noble.new()` to optimize partial redraw.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:drawBackground(__x, __y, __width, __height)
-- YourSceneName.super.drawBackground(self) -- optional, invokes default behavior.
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:drawBackground(__x, __y, __width, __height)
__x = __x or 0
__y = __y or 0
__width = __width or Display.getWidth()
__height = __height or Display.getHeight()
-- Cache the currently set color/pattern.
local color <const> = Graphics.getColor()
local color_type <const> = type(color)
-- Draw background.
Graphics.fillRect(__x, __y, __width, __height)
-- Reset color/pattern from cache.
if color_type == 'number' then
elseif color_type == 'table' then
--- Implement this in your scene if you have "goodbye" code to run when a transition to another scene
-- begins, such as UI animation, saving to disk, etc.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:exit()
-- YourSceneName.super.exit(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:exit()
for _, sprite in ipairs(self.sprites) do
--- Implement this in your scene if you have code to run when a transition to another scene
-- is complete, such as resetting variables.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:finish()
-- YourSceneName.super.finish(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:finish()
for _, sprite in ipairs(self.sprites) do
if (sprite.isNobleSprite) then
--- `pause()` / `resume()`
-- Implement one or both of these in your scene if you want something to happen when the game is paused/unpaused
-- by the system. The Playdate SDK does not require you to write pause logic, but these are useful if you want a
-- custom menu image (see Playdate SDK for more details), want to obscure game elements to prevent players from
-- cheating in a time-sensitive game, want to count the number of times the player pauses the game, etc.
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:pause()
-- YourSceneName.super.pause(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:pause() end
--- <span></span>
-- @usage
-- function YourSceneName:resume()
-- YourSceneName.super.resume(self)
-- --[Your code here]--
-- end
function NobleScene:resume() end