yad --title="Garuda Sway-WM keybindings:" --no-buttons --width=481 --height=361 --list --column-align=l --column="Keyboard Shortcuts" --column="Command Description" \ "Esc" "Close this cheat-sheet" \ "=" "modkey" \ "+Return" "Start Terminal" \ "+q" "Close focused app" \ "+d" "Application menu (wofi)" \ "+p" "Activities" \ "+Shift+e" "Power menu" \ "+F1" "Lock the system" \ "+Shift+c" "Reload the config file" \ "+h" "Focus left" \ "+j" "Focus down" \ "+k" "Focus up" \ "+l" "Focus right" \ "+Left" "Focus left" \ "+Down" "Focus down" \ "+Up" "Focus up" \ "+Right" "Focus right" \ "+Shift+h" "Move left" \ "+Shift+j" "Move down" \ "+Shift+k" "Move up" \ "+Shift+l" "Move right" \ "+Shift+Left" "Move left" \ "+Shift+Down" "Move down" \ "+Shift+Up" "Move up" \ "+Shift+Right" "Move right" \ "+b" "Split in horizontal orientation" \ "+v" "Split in vertical orientation" \ "+f" "Fullscreen toggle" \ "+s" "Layout stacking" \ "+w" "Layout tabbed" \ "+e" "Layout toggle split" \ "+Shift+Space" "Floating toggle" \ "+Space" "Focus toggle" \ "+a" "Focus parent" \ "+Right_mouse_button" "Resize floating window" \ "+Left_mouse_button" "Move floating window" \ "+Shift+Minus" "Move scratchpad" \ "+Minus" "Scratchpad cycle" \ "+r" "Resize" \ "+h" "Focus left" \ "+j" "Focus down" \ "+k" "Focus up" \ "+l" "Focus right" \ "+Left" "Focus left" \ "+Down" "Focus down" \ "+Up" "Focus up" \ "+Right" "Focus right" \ "+Return/Escape" "Return to default" \ "+1" "Workspace number 1" \ "+2" "Workspace number 2" \ "+3" "Workspace number 3" \ "+4" "Workspace number 4" \ "+5" "Workspace number 5" \ "+6" "Workspace number 6" \ "+7" "workspace number 7" \ "+8" "Workspace number 8" \ "+9" "Workspace number 9" \ "+0" "Workspace number 10" \ "+Shift+1" "Move container to workspace number 1" \ "+Shift+2" "Move container to workspace number 2" \ "+Shift+3" "Move container to workspace number 3" \ "+Shift+4" "Move container to workspace number 4" \ "+Shift+5" "Move container to workspace number 5" \ "+Shift+6" "Move container to workspace number 6" \ "+Shift+7" "Move container to workspace number 7" \ "+Shift+8" "Move container to workspace number 8" \ "+Shift+9" "Move container to workspace number 9 " \ "+Shift+0" "Move container to workspace number 10" \ "Print" "Full screenshot" \ "Shift+Print" "Screenshot with options" \ "+n" "Launch Thunar" \ "+o" "FireDragon"