2024-01-01 21:40:47 +02:00

261 lines
7.8 KiB

(function(L) {
'use strict';
var classToExtend = 'Class';
if (L.version.charAt(0) !== '0') {
classToExtend = 'Layer';
L.EdgeMarker = L[classToExtend].extend({
options: {
distanceOpacity: false,
distanceOpacityFactor: 4,
layerGroup: null,
rotateIcons: true,
findEdge : function (map){
return L.bounds([0,0], map.getSize());
icon: L.icon({
iconUrl: L.Icon.Default.imagePath + '/edge-arrow-marker.png',
clickable: true,
iconSize: [48, 48],
iconAnchor: [24, 24]
initialize: function(options) {
L.setOptions(this, options);
addTo: function(map) {
this._map = map;
// add a method to get applicable features
if (typeof map._getFeatures !== 'function') {
L.extend(map, {
_getFeatures: function() {
var out = [];
for (var l in this._layers) {
if (typeof this._layers[l].getLatLng !== 'undefined') {
return out;
map.on('move', this._addEdgeMarkers, this);
map.on('viewreset', this._addEdgeMarkers, this);
return this;
destroy: function() {
if (this._map && this._borderMarkerLayer) {'move', this._addEdgeMarkers, this);'viewreset', this._addEdgeMarkers, this);
delete this._map._getFeatures;
this._borderMarkerLayer = undefined;
onClick: function(e) {
this._map.setView(, this._map.getZoom());
onAdd: function() {},
_borderMarkerLayer: undefined,
_addEdgeMarkers: function() {
if (typeof this._borderMarkerLayer === 'undefined') {
this._borderMarkerLayer = new L.LayerGroup();
var features = [];
if (this.options.layerGroup != null) {
features = this.options.layerGroup.getLayers();
} else {
features = this._map._getFeatures();
var mapPixelBounds = this.options.findEdge(this._map);
var markerWidth = this.options.icon.options.iconSize[0];
var markerHeight = this.options.icon.options.iconSize[1];
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
var currentMarkerPosition = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(
if (currentMarkerPosition.y < mapPixelBounds.min.y ||
currentMarkerPosition.y > mapPixelBounds.max.y ||
currentMarkerPosition.x > mapPixelBounds.max.x ||
currentMarkerPosition.x < mapPixelBounds.min.x
) {
// get pos of marker
var x = currentMarkerPosition.x;
var y = currentMarkerPosition.y;
var markerDistance;
// we want to place EdgeMarker on the line from center screen to target,
// and against the border of the screen
// we know angel and its x or y cordiante
// (depending if we want to place it against top/bottom edge or left right edge)
// fromthat we can calculate the other cordinate
var center = mapPixelBounds.getCenter();
var rad = Math.atan2(center.y - y, center.x - x);
var rad2TopLeftcorner = Math.atan2(center.y-mapPixelBounds.min.y,center.x-mapPixelBounds.min.x);
// target is in between diagonals window/ hourglass
// more out in y then in x
if (Math.abs(rad) > rad2TopLeftcorner && Math.abs (rad) < Math.PI -rad2TopLeftcorner) {
// bottom out
if (y < center.y ){
y = mapPixelBounds.min.y + markerHeight/2;
x = center.x - (center.y-y) / Math.tan(Math.abs(rad));
markerDistance = currentMarkerPosition.y - mapPixelBounds.y;
// top out
y = mapPixelBounds.max.y - markerHeight/2;
x = center.x - (y-center.y)/ Math.tan(Math.abs(rad));
markerDistance = -currentMarkerPosition.y;
}else {
// left out
if (x < center.x ){
x = mapPixelBounds.min.x + markerWidth/2;
y = center.y - (center.x-x ) *Math.tan(rad);
markerDistance = -currentMarkerPosition.x;
// right out
x = mapPixelBounds.max.x - markerWidth/2;
y = center.y + (x - center.x) *Math.tan(rad);
markerDistance = currentMarkerPosition.x - mapPixelBounds.x;
// correction so that is always has same distance to edge
// top out (top has y=0)
if (y < mapPixelBounds.min.y + markerHeight/2) {
y = mapPixelBounds.min.y + markerHeight/2;
// bottom out
else if (y > mapPixelBounds.max.y - markerHeight/2) {
y = mapPixelBounds.max.y - markerHeight/2 ;
// right out
if (x > mapPixelBounds.max.x - markerWidth / 2) {
x = mapPixelBounds.max.x - markerWidth / 2;
// left out
} else if (x < markerWidth / 2) {
x = mapPixelBounds.min.x + markerWidth / 2;
// change opacity on distance
var newOptions = this.options;
if (this.options.distanceOpacity) {
newOptions.fillOpacity =
(100 - markerDistance / this.options.distanceOpacityFactor) / 100;
// rotate markers
if (this.options.rotateIcons) {
var angle = rad / Math.PI * 180;
newOptions.angle = angle;
var ref = { latlng: features[i].getLatLng() };
newOptions = L.extend({}, newOptions, ref);
var marker = L.rotatedMarker(
this._map.containerPointToLatLng([x, y]),
marker.on('click', this.onClick, marker);
if (!this._map.hasLayer(this._borderMarkerLayer)) {
* L.rotatedMarker class is taken from
L.RotatedMarker = L.Marker.extend({
options: {
angle: 0
statics: {
TRANSFORM_ORIGIN: L.DomUtil.testProp([
_initIcon: function() {;[L.RotatedMarker.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN] = '50% 50%';
_setPos: function(pos) {, pos);
if (L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM) {
// use the CSS transform rule if available[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] +=
' rotate(' + this.options.angle + 'deg)';
} else if ( {
// fallback for IE6, IE7, IE8
var rad = this.options.angle * (Math.PI / 180),
costheta = Math.cos(rad),
sintheta = Math.sin(rad); +=
" progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=" +
costheta +
', M12=' +
-sintheta +
', M21=' +
sintheta +
', M22=' +
costheta +
setAngle: function(ang) {
this.options.angle = ang;
L.rotatedMarker = function(pos, options) {
return new L.RotatedMarker(pos, options);
L.edgeMarker = function(options) {
return new L.EdgeMarker(options);